Thursday, December 19, 2013


     Canan Yildiz
     TOBB Ekonomi ve Teknoloji Üniversitesi , Ankara Türkiye

Bu makale, Diptych örnekleri yardimiyla,  “Scape” terimini, “Archiscape ve bunlarin Kentle iliskisini incelemektedir. Calisma bugünün Mimarisiyle ve yaninda getirdigi yenilikleri, cevredeki yasamla ve Kentle olan baglantilarini kurmaktadadir. Scape ve Archiscape terimlerin anlamindan ziyade bu aciklamaninda  nasil yorumlanabilecegine ve anlatilabilecegine yönelik arastirmalar bulunmaktadir.

Urban Diptychs, Diptych, Scape, Archiscape, Peyzaj, Andy Warhol, marilyn monroe Diptych, David Giral, Clint Eastwood,  Wilton Diptych, Walentyn Sylwestrow, Bernard Tschumi.

Kenti görme bicimleri farklidir, bu calismada Kenti farkli bir acidan farkli bir bicimde görme imkanlari veriliyor. Öncelikle Diptych nedir bunun aciklamsi daha sonra ise bir Diptychi nasil farkli sekillerde gösterilebiliyor.  Bunlardan haric birde kenti anlatan diptychlerin aciklamasi veriliyor.

Urban Dyptychs
Genel bir aciklama olarak Dyptych söyle tanimlanmis, bir iki kanatli tablo bir mentese bagli iki düz plaka iceren herhangi bir nesne. [1]

David Giral – Photograph Diptychi söyle tanimliyor, iki fotografin yanyana eslestirilmesi veya üst üste kondurtulmasi ve aralarinda belirli bir iliskiyi anlatilmasidir. Izleyicide etkiyi gelistirir, iletisim fikirleri ve duygulari paylasmak icin bir yöntemdir. Misal bir Hikaye anlatmak icin bir ani paylasmak icin vaya bir konu üzerinde farkli bir perspektiv vermek icindir. [2]

Urban Diptychs terimi, insanin kentte algiladiklarini anlatir. Kenti farkli bicimlerde gösterir ve uyumsaglayan birbirini anlatan ve bütünlestiren diptychler olustur. Kentte görünen herseyen bir Diptych yaratilailir. Peyzaj ve Mimarlik simdiki zamanda birbirini bütünlestirmektedir, bir vazgecilmez hale gelmektedir Peyaj ve Mimarlik kedileri bir Diptych olusturmaktadir.

Manzara, deniz manzarasi, cityscape ve towncape gibi belirli bir türde genis bir görüs aciklayan terim “ Scape” anlamina gelir. Öte yandan mimari kapsaminda Koolhaasa göre “Scape” kentsel bölgede okunan bir manzarayi ima eder, kenarsiz sehir icin deyim, yarim olan merkez ve cevre arasindayim, arsinda icinde ve disinda sekli ve Zemini silinebilir, Sehir sürekli anlasilmaktadir, topolojik alan olusturdugu  yapiisi modüle edilmis olan yüzeyi genis uzantilari kentsel bölgeleri kapsar.  [3]


Archi ve Scape Mimarlik ve Peyzajin bir araya gelmesidir. Cevresi ve Peyzaj mimari herhangi bir ögenin sehir icinde olmadan düsünmek de mümkün olmayan mimari hakkinda düsünmek mümkün degildir. Bernard Tschumiye göre “ Archi- Scape  bizim uygulama mimarisinin unutulmaz binalar ve hemen konumlarini ayrilmaz bir parcasi olan alanlarda olusturma cabalari”

Examination Through examples
Diptych farkli bicimlerde anlatabilinir.  Bu farkli yöntemi örnekleri ile kesfetmek. Ilk olarak bu Pop art sanatin en önemli temilcisi Andy Warhol. 1962  Marilyn Monroeun Niagara adli Filminden sonra gazeteden aldigi bir Fotorafiyla ilk Diptychini yapmis bulunmaktaydi. Bir tarafi 25 tane güclü renklerle diyer tarafi ise 25 siyah beyaz fakat ayni fotorafi kullanarak elde ediyor bu iki tabloyu. İkisini yanyana koyunca ikisnin arasindaki iliskiyi ve o dinamik ve heyca verici lan iki tabloyu warhol bir araya getirmeye karar verir. [4]

Clint Eastwoodun filmleri üzerine kurulan bir diptych tamamen farkli birsey oldugu halde Diptychi cok net anlatiyor.   “Flags of our Fathers” ve Letters from Iwo Jima adli filmleri aslinda ikiside ayni Konuyu anlatiyolar tek farki Bakisacilari. Bir Savas aninda yasananlari anlatan bu iki film ayni ani anlattiklari halde Flags of our Fathers amerikanlarin bakis acisi olark anlatiliyor, Letters from Iwo Jima ise Yaponlarin bakis acisini acikliyor. Bu iki film birbirini tamamliyor ve birbirlerini anlatiyor. [5]

Iki farkli film olmasina gerekmiyor böyle bir Diptych yorumunda sadece bir film olup oyunculardan ana rolu oynayan kisinin farkli veya cok karaktere sahib olmasida bir Diptych anlamina gelir ve bi karakter olmadan diyeride istedigi gibi calismaz mesela “Vesikali Yarim”.[6]

Filmlerden haric Notalarda müziklerdede Diptychler vardir Julian Anderson ( Pavillons en ´Air) veya Valentin Silvestov Diptychi. Bunlar farkli notalardan yüksek ve alcak seslerden birlesen Orkestralardir.[7]

Kenti anlatan diptychler ise    “ Archiscape” gibi tanimlar olabilir. Kentsel Diptychler o an gördügümüz ve algiladigimiz Sehrin durumunu veya bir yapinin drumu anlatir. Kentle arasinda görünürde olmasada bir Iliski yaratiyor her ne tarafindan baksakda Centrel Park ile kentin arasinda kurulan, algilanan hem var hem olmayan bir iliski bulunuyor.
Sert bir Ayrim oldugu cok net görülüyor birbiriyle alakali bir durum var ortada ama kentle pejzay bu durumda ic ice girmemekte.

-        Central Parka yüksekten bakildiginda bir tarafi parkin tamamiyle yesil alani ve diyer tarafi ise Sert bir Zemin ve Sert yapilardan olusan bir görüntü, bunlar birbirlerini tamamlayan bir durumdur.  

-Kentin Gözünden kacan kücük parcalar ise büyük sehirlerde cok varsayan bir durum. O Kentin yogunlugu ile, hem insan, hem yapi, hem renk bunlarin hepsi bir araya geldiginde bir sokak tabelasini göremeyecek kadar karanlik olmaya basliyor. Bir Diptych bize bu sehrin kaybolan parcalarini gösterir ve Kenti daha iyi algilamamiz icin daha iyi anlayabilmemiz icin yardimci olur.

-        Kentin yeniden Dogusunu anlatacak olan bir Diptych Gecekondularla gökdelenlerin arasindaki celskiyi anlatandir.


Bu verdigim Örnekler herkezin kendi bakis acisindan olan görüntüler ve düsünceler. Diptych dedigimiz cok basarili bir araci olarak görüyorum. Hem kenti hemde Mimarisini ve tabikide Peyzajini hem anlatabilen ben arada bir bag kuran bir yöntemdir.


[1] 16.11.2013 / 13:49
       Angelil, Marc ,Killangman,Anna ,Siress Cary ,
      Gregory, Paola, “New Scapes: Territories of Complexity”, Publishers of Architecture, Switzerland, 2003. (Pg 9,10)

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Article on Archi-scape by Beliz Arpak

Urban Archi-Scape As a Concept from the Eye of World Known Architects
               To understand the term “Scape” and the interrelation between architecture and landscape architecture within the Urban Context through the examples from Bernard Tschumi
               Beliz Arpak
Tobb University,Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Architecture, Ankara Turkey
Within the developing technology and the changing society, the needs and the understanding of urban design, landscape architecture and architecture itself have to change accordingly. In order to specify the changes and the need of these changes, these disciplines should work coherently and they should come up with different aspects then the well known ones such as Kevin Lynch “Image of a City” Aldo Rossi “City Architecture” Rob Krier “Urban Space” or Ventury “Learning from Las Vegas”. There is an emerge of re-identification of city centers because cities have changed and architects cannot maintain reading them with the existing urban terminology. Therefore world known architects come up with new concepts like “scape” and “archi-scape”. This paper will evaluate these terms through the perspectives of Ram Koolhaas and Bernard Tschumi and then the examples within the book “Event Cities 1,2,3 and 4” by Tschumi will be examined. According to Ram Koolhaas “Architecture alone cannot handle the problems of City” which creates an opportunity to work with other disciplines.  However, every discipline has its own territories and profession so it is a necessity to come up with a concept and discuss the city throughout this concept. This paper also gives clues about how to design the urban land in terms of scaping, what kind of cities we have and what can be done in order to re-organize the cities without neglecting the background of a city and without neglecting the change in the paradigm of landscape. This article criticizes the blurred lines in between the architecture and the landscape architecture of a city. It also gives an emphasize on what should be done and what should be avoided during designing a city. Last but not least, the article includes the interpretation on landscape, archiscape and conceptualizing the word through examples. It is important to understand how to read a city and how to convert it into another concept.     
Urban Archi-scapes, Bernard Tschumi, Rem Koolhaas, Scape, Event Cities , Parc de la Vilette, Architectural Urbanism in Konsai-Kyoto and Lausanne, Tokyo Opera, Strasburg Country Hall, Karlsruhe Center for Art and Media, Glass Video Gallery
Beliz Arpak
Tobb University Faculty of Architecture
Notes: This article was made under the consideration of Prof.Dr. Nur Çağlar during the lecture M505 Urban Archi-scapes in Tobb University, Department of Architecture
Acknowledgement: Sincerely thanks to Sn. Müge Cengizkan for her help during the process of writing.
               During many years cities are changing and evolving so it becomes harder and harder to read the cities of 21 st century with the existing urban terminology. Therefore, world known architects come up with different aspects in order to understand what is going on. Until the concept of Archi-scape emerged there are a few books that an architect should read and know which are “The image of the City” by Kevin Lynch, “City Architecture” by Aldo Rossi , “Urban Space” by Rob Krier, “Learning from Las Vegas” by Ventury. In the lead of these books and the aspects emerged within them , architects maintained to understand the cities but the conditions have changed and it became impossible to read cities as an architect so there is a need of an interdisciplinary work. Since, reading of city became an issue Ram Koolhaas and Bernard Tschumi came up with the concepts “Scape” and “Archiscape”.The term “Scape” means describing a wide view of a particular type such as landscape, seascape, cityscape and townscape[1]. On the other hand within architectural context, according to Koolhaas, “Scape” implies a reading of urban territory as landscape, it indicates a strategy of distancing oneself from traditions, is idiom for the edgeless city, in which the distinction between center and periphery, between inside and outside, between figure and ground is erased last but not least, the city is understood as a continuous, topologically formed field structure whose modulated surface covers vast extensions of urban regions[2] .  Another point of view from Bernard Tschumi is that the term scape which refers to an overall sight vision that modifies the object referring to land in its representation the landscape, these new scapes indicate on the horizon a new way of seeing, designing and inhabiting space through the interpretation of the work as a complex system of connections, interchanges and retro-actions, always open, flexible, modifiable[3].The consept of Archi-Scape refers to an interrelation between architecture and landscape. It is impossible to think about the architecture without its surrounding and its also impossible to think landscape without any architectural element within city. According to Bernard Tschumi, “At Archi-scape our practice of architecture endeavors to create memorable buildings and spaces that are at once an integral part of their location”[4]. Actually, it is interesting that within the book “Event Cities 1 “ Tschumi came up with the concept of Archiscape , it iş not noticed until Koolhaas mentioned it again with small changes. So that the aim of this paper is to evaluate the concepts “Scape” and “Archi-scape” in terms of urban planning and development, the changing societies and the changing needs of cities. Then the examples of Bernard Tschumi will be discussed accordingly with the four topics he listed within his book “Event Cities” . These examples will lead us in terms of their design processes and the interrelation between theory and praxis. The main problem is  understand the conditions of today’s cities and making proposals on what should be done and what should be avoided.  On the other hand, there is a reality about architecture that it is impossible to imagine a city without architecture and the architecture without a city. Last but not least, the main aim of this paper is reading and designing a city needs to be an interdisciplinary process which covers architects, landscape architects and material engineering and rules of design should be renovated and re-invented. 
Exploring The New Concept Through The Design Examples of Bernard Tschumi
First of all, it is important to understand the design approach of Bernard Tschumi in terms of architecture and landscape architecture. He argues that architecture is as much about the events that take place in spaces as about the spaces themselves moreover, the cause effect relationship sanctified by modernism by which form follows function needs to be abandoned in favor of promiscuous collisions of programs and spaces[5]. In order to understand his design approach, his book series called “Event Cities” will be useful.
This book is about composing the theory and the praxis within architecture, it aims an argumentation about several projects made by Tschumi which creates a great potential about extensive and accurate theoretical texts of recent years. The argumentation has three aspects; praxis that includes the details about conceptual process composed with the actual making of architecture, cities which argues that all architecture should have a relation with our urban condition and lastly, events that claims there is no architecture without action and during creating careful agencing of spaces and events architecture speeds up the process of society’s transformation.
“In Event Cities , realism is what counts , but only the sense of something that is realizable: every praxis is an action towards a result. If theory is only responsible to theory, a praxis can only project itself towards the constructed, social, economic and political reality” [6].
In Event Cities the important concepts are shown with the ideograms and construction drawings of projects and the concept of form and style play an undeniably important role. The goals of these projects can both be abstract theories or design it aims to establish several conditions for new urban events. These events also has a relationship with the term archi-scape in terms of the interaction between human and nature, human and architecture and lastly it creates its own scape within cities.
It is impossible to imagine a city without architecture and the architecture without a city. Within this book there are four types of projects which are argued. The first type is related with the urban planning that includes the organization of the territory is ahead of the definition of any specific program. The example of this type is the Parc de la Vilette which emphasizes the event dimension, the dimension of action, in what makes up a city. In Parc de la Vilette in terms of form the park has designed as a series of three specific systems lines , points and surfaces but they are not integrated to each other they superimposes to each other which creates more opportunities when they are distort and clashed with one other.

In terms of design “this weakening of architecture, as Tschumi calls it, is an altered relationship between structure and image and structure and skin”[7]. There are three diagrams about design which is shown below. Diagram 1 shows a simple representation on the proportions of territories which are the building to covered area and to open space. Diagram 2 shows three parts which passed several processes such as explosion, fragmentation and deconstruction and lastly diagram 3 is a re-composition of the element.

One of the layers of the park is lines that are composed of two major perpendicular axes running parallel to the orthogonal grid and these forms the major walkways throughout the park which consists of steel and iron.
The other layer of the park is points which are created by repetition, distortion, superimposition and fragmentation.
               The last layer of the park is the surfaces which are covered with earth and gravel and other free forms are made of metal and concrete but on the other hand the landscape was removed from the picture entirely and according to Tschumi “The landscape elements, formerly the most important aspects of any urban park, have become the infill between the built structures that organize the project spatially and functionally”[8]. So that the idea of park seems as if it is a building, it is an architectural element.
                The second type of projects is related with the city generators and architectural systems that are actual catalysts for every kind of activity or function, independent of the form they take. In such city generators, functions and programs combine and intersect in an endless “disprogramming” or “crossprogramming”[9] . The first example city is Kansai with its linear airport. The aim of the airport is to create a new type of metropolis by extending the airport into an event that includes exchange, business, commerce and culture. It is also designed to become a counterpoint to city of Osaka just not only for the traveler but also for culture and recreation that acts as a new urban segment. This airport has two districts which are the linear city and the deck. The first part, linear city which has three lines; double strip that contains all airport transfer functions, the wave that contains a mile long entertainment, cultural and sports center and the slab includes two hotels with 1000 rooms and also an office center.
The other example city is Kyoto with its railway station that is suitable with the characteristics of hybrid megaprojects during 20th century of Japan. The project should be coherent with the historic background of the city but it also needs to be a leading project for future. Tschumi began by decomposing the overall program into its main constituent elements and aligning them with the Kyoto grid which includes a block for cultural center, two for the hotel and convention center, two for the department store and two for parking. After listing the necessities of the station they subdivided the blocks into organizational strips respectively with a three meter gap between them to allow natural light into the center of blocks[10].

“On one level, the scale and unprecedented density of the new center station of Kyoto is enough to create an “event”. However, it is in the montage of attractions, or programmatic collision, that the importance of the project resides”[11].
The last city which is an example of architectural systems is Lausanne that concerns particularly with the displacement of a typology that provides the conditions for a new urban act[12]. The project had a concept of “The Bridge City” which includes a series of bridges over the Flon Valley and there should be a new transit transit station which has two phases. The first phase was a light rail station characterized by red printed glass, a new pedestrian bridge and connections to the valley at the place de l’Europe. The second phase was to create a ticket counter, excalators and a subway station as a part of transit hub complex[13]. This example may be the most impressive one which explains the concept of Archi-scape because it is created by juxtaposing both architecture and landscape architecture and it changes the typical aspect on rail station.

The third type of project is related with the confrontation with the specific programs which are defined in space and time. These types of urban architecture suggests a new type of city in which the notion of the event that happens in them is as important as that of the street or a square through their political and cultural ambition[14]. There are four examples which is related this type of architecture which are Tokyo Opera, Strasburg County Hall and Karlsruhe Center for Art and Media and National Library of France. The first project is Tokyo Opera which is constructed as an opera house and cultural center. There are several programmatic strips which begin with a glass avenue that provides direct access from the subway, parking lot and buses. Its mezzanines create a vertical spectacle on the other hand its ground floor creates a gathering place that makes use of different public services. Within this Opera there are also encompass coatrooms, box offices, bars or buffets, suspended gardens, VIP rooms, lavatories and other services. A strip contains the backstage area, assembly hall, rehearsal and workshop spaces which are provided with daylight. Last but not least, a final strip serves artists and staff which contain dressing rooms and administrative offices.

The second project is Strasburg County Hall which is composed of fragments. The site where the county hall is located lies in between two types of urban planning one symbolizes the traditional urban texture and the other one reflects the ideology of large postwar developments. Tschumi preferred not to imitate both of the textures but he tried to create a new relationship between them and due with these thoughts he decided to create a meeting point between old and new by clarifying the relation of the historical fragments to today. Fragmentation is the most suitable way of designing this hall because of several facts such as , it enables to consider specific constraints of each element of the program, it gives the elements autonomy while it easier to perceive their relative importance, the varieties of the sizes of each fragment creates a relative space of the historic town, lastly, it enables free juxtapositions, a poetic dimension, a spatial density and the new perception of site.
Another project which is related with the third type is the linear core of the Karlsruhe Media Center which should reflect the new existence of digital and electronic imagery in daily life. The project has four different parts which includes a public passageway that is linear and proposed as an alternative to the concentric Baroque texture of historical Karlsruhe, a core that is a public place with maximum visibility and excitement which allows public “mediatization” of specific research, two specialized compartment spaces that are located on the each side of the core that contains all specialized functions and an electronic exterior that serves both as enclosure and as spectacle.

The last project of the third type is the circuits of the National Library of France which combines the pursuit of modernity with the pursuit of knowledge. The whole building is about circuits and movement which causes the architectural scheme was developed around a constant dynamic. The building was planned to act like an urban generator for new part of the city through the internal circuits of library culture. Within the building there are multi-media circuits, circuits for the storage and retrieval of books. On the other hand, the upper level is made for exhibition and a running track for athletes that are intellectual and the intellectuals who are athletes. Within the library, there are five circuits which are visitors and administrators, books, electronic and mechanical circuits and they are interacting with each other at strategic locations. “The library was seen as an event rather than as a frozen monument”[15] . The project did not win the competition because it encourages to break away from earlier concepts of libraries.

In the fourth type of project, the transient architectures of the city, one particular reading of events is discussed throughout the example of Glass Video Gallery[16] .The spatial definition changes constantly following the images of video displays. The building designed on a small budget and the material which it is made of is glass. Within this building the concept which was deal with was the envelope. The concept is about movement of body and the building gives priority to the image. Last but not least, the glass video gallery proposes parallels to urban space both contain video objects that are on display as well as objects for displaying them.

Throughout the examples, there are different perspectives to landscape and architecture. It is impossible to distinguish one from another so that the concept “Archi-scape” becomes a keyword for the perspective of Bernard Tschumi. It is impossible to conclude strongly valid arguments which an article that argues the process of archi-scape and the way of looking cities because it is an interchanging and developing and evolving issue. Further information can be gathered and interpreted in a different perspective. But on the other hand, this research can change our way of looking cities and it may support the future aspects of an architect or a landscape architect. The most important thing that I learned from this research is we can never look the cities as if they have zones such as the area is park and separated for plants this area is the housing that includes the architecture and this area is industry and it can go on like this but because they have evolved and changed so our perspectives should also change accordingly. Last but not least, as a landscape architect, I found out that the cities just not only need parks but also they need architectural elements within the parks in order to strengthen the function.  



[1] (
[2]  Angelil, Marc ,Killangman,Anna ,Siress Cary ,
[3] Gregory, Paola, “New Scapes: Territories of Complexity”, Publishers of Architecture, Switzerland, 2003. (Pg 9,10)
[4] (
[5] Tschumi, Bernard, “Event Cities”, MIT Press, 1996.
[6] Tschumi, Bernard, “Event Cities”, MIT Press, 1996.(pg 3)

[8] Tschumi, Bernard, “Event Cities”, MIT Press, 1996.
[9] Tschumi, Bernard, “Event Cities”, MIT Press, 1996.
[11] Tschumi, Bernard, “Event Cities”, MIT Press, 1996.
[12] Tschumi, Bernard, “Event Cities”, MIT Press, 1996.
[14] Tschumi, Bernard, “Event Cities”, MIT Press, 1996
[16] Tschumi, Bernard, “Event Cities”, MIT Press, 1996