Wednesday, October 9, 2013


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Urban Archi – Scapes:
To touch upon the alternative approaches to urban transformation process within the context of housing

Adnan Aksu, Nur Çağlar, İrem Küçük

Gazi University Faculty of Architecture, Ankara Türkiye

Urban Housing related design usually requires a much more systematic approach than other forms of design because of the quantity and complexity of the information involved. It is often more of a political exercise and less of a technical challenge, as urban housing landscapes have to accommodate the complex, sometimes intangible, diverse and changing needs of a large number of people. Also, because any urban masterplan, transformation plan, regeneration, gentrification can affect the quality of life of thousands of people. Within this context in this paper, characterizing an experimental design studio, an alternative urban housing design developed in the Archi-Scapes Studio, one of the WS-RADS 2010 Intensive programme studios, is illustrated and debated through its non conventional approaches, critical thoughts towards the housing problematic, cultural design decisions, and ideological choices. Thusly, a touch upon the alternative approaches to urban transformation process within the context of housing is being discussed.

urban transformation and gentrification, urban housing, Urban Archi-Scapes Studio, urban housing design strategies,
experimental design approach, experimentation process
Dr.Adnan Aksu
Gazi University Faculty of Architecture
Celal Bayar Bulvari Maltepe 06570 Ankara Türkiye
Tel: +90 312 582 36 43
Fax:+90 312 230 84 34
E-mail: adaksu@gazi.
The Introduction

The objective of this presentation is to share the story of urban and architectural design which we call Snake in professional and disciplinary environments of architecture, produced in Urban-Archi-Scapes Studio in the process of a 2-week workshop on the theme of Urban Housing: Visions of the Future organized in the scope of WS-RADS 2010. There are three reasons for the justification of sharing this. 
1- The main field of responsibility of the architects, maintaining their professional practice in the field of design training, is to direct architectural design studio to research by design and to produce contemporary and up-to-date knowledge and develop strategies in this manner. Sharing the results of research develops the theoretical and the practical field of architecture and thus architectural design culture. Adaptibility of new housing concepts and designs to continuity and change in lifestyle is the fundamental design issue to be researched in this scope. We share Urban Archi-Scapes experience with you within the context of urban transformation and gentrification of existing housing environments.
2- Adopting the design studio as a research field requires encouraging and directing the studio participants to experimentalism, innovation and experience sharing. Experimental design processes allow discussions in which different approaches concerning change and development is open-ended, increases variety and multivocality considering possibilities and potentials, expands potential of creative thinking and studies. In this context, experimental design practices of Urban Archi-Scapes which provokes thought on the clarification of the unclear interaction and communication field of theory and practice regarding house and housing gain importance.
3- Snake design developed in Urban Archi-Scapes Studio explain the issues concerning house and housing with architectural landscapes concept rather than producing practical solutions to such issues. Snake design deals with the continuity and change of house culture and housing settlement as an issue of strategy but not as design. It discusses significant issues such as influence of changing demographic, economic, social, technological, and environmental circumstances,  assimilation of changing needs and uses, ensuring the continuity of past, present and future housing environments, lessons from traditional housing, adaptibility of new housing concepts and designs to continuity and change in lifestyle, the spatial planning and infrastructure considerations for housing continuity in urban areas on strategy level rather than the design level. Therefore, Snake Architectural Landscapes is opened to sharing as an experimental architecture object developing concept and thought and intending to rebuild architectural knowledge concerning this field.
Organized between January 25 – February 5, 2010, in the intense program of WS-RADS 2010, main theme of the studios was determined as Urban Housing Visions of the Future. In the context of this theme, it was planned to produce design thoughts on the future of the urban housing issue, inquire into the concepts of  transformation and gentrification multi-directionally and make the design of the Aktepe Squatter Settlement in Ankara in the process of the studio. It was expected to discover and develop urban redesign strategies which will be a consideration in the creation of living environments establishing dialogue of the urban transformation and gentrification process with the existing environment, integrating social structure, to make it visible through selected design methods and to be open to communication over a designed architectural object. Studio conductors were left free to determine their educational approaches and design approaches.
In this context, Snake experience of the Urban Archi-Scapes studio was discussed under the titles of Studio Environment and Profile, Studio Theme, Design Strategies, Design Practices and Products, Developing Design and Presentations in line with the objectives of the presentation.

Urban Archi-Scapes Studio Environment and Profile[i]

The studio environment where architectural design experience being the subject of the presentation was conducted has no spatial and technical equipment other than conventional tables and chairs/stools and several exhibition boards and its comfort level is standard. Studio participants attended with their own laptops and various software. As preparation, a well-equipped desktop computer, printer, video camera, cameras, video projector, paper, pen, various model materials were provided by the organization committee organizing the event.
Know-how component, in other words the secret of the designing principles of the studio was obtained through converting the disciplinary knowledge into common knowledge, which were provided to the environment by conductors[ii], students[iii] and four post graduate students were volunteer assistants[iv] of the conductors and roving critics[v] who aimed to bring new expansions to studio productions by visiting the studio at the end of day.
9 students from different architecture schools of 5 European countries attended the studio. The students are generally 4th – 5th year students[vi].  Know-how contribution of the students to the studio environment was to a large extent over the background information they obtained from theoretical, technical, implementation content components of the institution where they receive education[vii]. Not limited to this, their cultural backgrounds, special fields of interest and their abilities also contributed. Therefore, it was the student group who supported academics’ experience concerning intense program training and thus ascending the achievement level of the studio environment.
Participant students are in fact selected randomly but carefully by academics attending the Winter School program. Therefore, they are the students with occupational enthusiasm and may not have the highest grade average at their schools. The creativity and efficiency level of this student group is also quite high. They incorporate all the considerations required of a creative personality. The individuals forming the group contribute cognitive variables such as intelligence, knowledge, talent, specific ability, environmental variables such as politic, cultural, socio-economic, education considerations, individual variables such as incentive, self-confidence, creativity with different qualities and at different levels.  The creative synergy of the studio environment stems from the interaction of these components. Therefore, the studio environment becomes an environment of experimenting with the architectural design covering all components and sharing existing experiences, but not an environment of teaching and learning, whereas design becomes the product of the experimentation process.
Thematic, contextual, methodologic and pedagogical structures of Urban Archi-Scapes being the subject of the presentation are experimental. Dewey’s approach which states that “We have an experience when the material experienced runs its course to fulfillment. Then and then only is it integrated within and demarcated in the general stream of experience from other experiences… According to this definition only those actions that have been brought to their preestablished conclusion… can be considered experiences. To bring two events together by means of an unusual connection demands critical reflection and implies an ideological choice, as well as a cultural decision…” is adopted in defining studio process experimentally.[viii]

Studio Theme

Urban Archi-Scapes content was produced by those who conducted the studio, in order to describe thematic and content structure of the studio. Urban design approaches of the 21st century are opened to discussion within the landscape concept. Firstly Landscape Architecture later on Landscape Urbanism definitions and concepts have developed. Landscape concept cover many sub-concepts from topographical building to fractal town, landscape ecology to civil infrastructure, from cellular automat to urban agriculture.
Landscape Architecture is a critical point of view developed against the conventional understanding ongoing in the design of urban and natural open and green spaces. Landscape Urbanism is a strategic point of view adopting landscape with its simple definition as the principal content and means of urban designing. Water systems, planted ecological fields, plant corridors; bio-diversity and infrastructure corridors are included in the scope of landscape urbanism. Both approaches ignore architecture while determining design contents regarding urban landscape. However, architecture is an integral and complementary element of urban landscape. Therefore, the hybrid concept of the archi-scape made from architecture and landscape words was determined as design theme of the studio in order to describe the concept of Architectural landscapes.
Urban Archi-Scapes Studio is not about transmitting architectural knowledge but is about thinking, creating and producing on the subject, place, issue and theme given towards the know-how of the studio. It was aimed that the studio should become the environment for the organizing of the practices of compiling, interpreting, transmitting, converting into design, presenting to the environment by expressing via design, opening up discussion and gaining feedback from these discussions of architectural landscape thought. Therefore, landscape, known conventionally as the art of organizing, designing horizontal levels was matched with architecture and it was adopted to put in place the objective of making landscape that will cover the vertical surfaces, into focus of studio studies and thus make use of concepts and expansions concerning architectural landscapes in setting the design contents of the studio.
In Urban archi-scapes, it is aimed to visualize rural-urban, natural-built contrasts of landscape by developing strategies liable to deal with issue of metropols which extend by spreading at each scale and manage spatial and social transformations of towns rather than designing the same by handling as an architectural object. Therefore, it gains importance to re-form the town aggregately with big designs in scale and/or scope. Landscape becomes a metaphor liable to define this whole. While it is an image recalling nature, it turns into an architectural concept used to interpret the contemporary town when used with Archi prefix. In this case, it integrates settled vision forms concerning both landscape and town with architecture. However, it provides an extraordinary richness in rebuilding these vision forms with an innovative approach.
On the other hand, determining a sub-theme from scratch suggests researching, discovering, discussing and associating design contents required by this theme with the general theme of the workshops in the studio environment. Thus, developing design strategies by concentrating on a common and thematic approach rather than random and dispersed design approaches increases the synergy and makes the works efficient.

Determining Design Strategies of Urban Archi-Scapes Studio

Design strategies principally suggest rendering the results of the investigative study, which will be made on place and subject that are basis for designing, available for use as input for design by converting it into a critical language. In this context, analysis studies conducted enabled turning the information gathered by visiting the field, talking to those living on it, listening to their presentations concerning the subject into design data through the discussions performed with conductors, assistants, roving critics and themselves.
The place subject of the studio study is the Aktepe Squatter Settlement in Ankara. The architecture, like in this settlement, produced when it is obligatory to meet the complicated, sometimes abstract, different and changing requirements of many people becomes rather a political practice rather than a technological one. In this case, the experimental studies requiring critical thought, cultural decisions and ideological options become an appropriate method to be able to present design strategies concerning issues which is the the subject of the study. As expressed in detail in Umberto Eco’s “Open Work”, the productions formed with this understanding allow “to bring two events together by means of an unusual connection”. Moving from this understanding, the design process was discussed in the context of students' approaches moving beyond the traditional/conventional, their critical thoughts concerning housing problematic, their cultural decisions and ideological options.  Thus, it was desired to bring together the design field and Ankara city by a unusual/extraordinary connection.  Findings and design strategies were determined as follows.
Design field is an organic lively settlement area compliant with the topography of the hill where it is located and comprised of slum houses piled up on it. It is clearly seen that it doesn’t bear the unusual properties of today’s archi-scape. Its social and spatial organization is specific and explicit like all slum houses. However, it doesn’t become integrated and merge with Ankara’s remaining urban landscape.  Aktepe Squatter Settlement is a settlement field leading to overcrowding and insanitary conditions, the social and physical infrastructures of which are insufficient and can't comply with daily life of the town. The area has been added to town randomly but which has never become a part of it, and rural properties of which are clear to see.

Metin Kutusu: Figure 1. The Aktepe Squatter Settlement

Squatter settlements form a fundamental implementation field of urban transformation. İn almost all cities including Ankara, there is a wide range of lost spaces from historical urban centres to evacuated industrial facilities which wait to be converted by making use of the circumstances of contemporary daily life. Squatter settlement might be given priority in urban transformation operations. In recent years, intense construction activities are performed in almost all slum settlements in Ankara under the name of urban transformation. However, lack of quality of the new archi-scape which emerges with the repetition of uniform house structures which have no design or quality of architectural imaginary requires the questioning of these transformation processes.

Metin Kutusu: Figure 2 New Archi-Scape inthe Aktepe Squatter Settlement
In Archi-scape studio, urban transformation was defined as recycling processes of urban landscape which becomes lacking in quality by resisting urban developments, incurs physical, social, spatial collapse and breaks off from daily life of the town and thus becomes disidentified. Repairing, improving, healing, gentrifying and similar conventional themes become insufficient in defining this process. Therefore, the urban transformation process is handled as the whole of strategies developed for reviving lost identity of urban archi-scape through existing local properties, specific values, and symbolic qualities.  These strategies are explained with the concepts of implantation, re-animation and polymerization.
Continuity and transformation dialectic is determinant in transformation of towns. In this transformation, those living in the town, political and local authorities, investors, urban planners, architects, engineers and many other similar actors take role. These actors are experts expected to produce models and visions concerning future of the town making use of knowledge, theory, technology and data from other disciplines either, which are directly determinant in production of urban archi-scape. Therefore, their success in transmitting knowledge and experiences become determinant on the design qualities of the urban archi-scape. The fundamental issue in urban transformations is viewed as the acceptance or rejection by surrounding urban archi-scape of implementations carried out.
However, the Aktepe Squatter Settlement is stated to be insufficient in structuring urban architectural design qualities required by the architectural landscape of conventional construction plans and design approaches. The strategies required to obtain qualified contemporary archi-scapes are produced by ensuring that local residents of the settlement who are the subject of the design are the most active actors of this process.
The researches on housing problematic continue worldwide, various theoretical and practical studies are conducted, models are produced and applied, and alternatives are sought by making development plans. It is a short sighted view to continue making designs with low quality housing blocks by ignoring these experiences.  Alternative models, thoughts for qualified transformation of urban archi-scape housings develop and are updated to the extent that strategies can be developed. 
As a result of the same conventional approaches, the Aktepe Squatter Settlement lose the challenge supported by long standing spatial, physical, social, cultural, economic factors and different life style.  Unjust, unfair, insufficient, unqualified means of the urban transformation surround and capture this specific urban archi-scape. The low quality housing blocks to which a standard has ruthlessly been given without regard to the geographical properties, topography and morphology, socio-cultural dynamics prevent the Aktepe Squatter Settlement’s ability to form, transform and maintain its own physical and social field of existence and revoke its right to revive its own identity. Then, it is aimed to produce urban landscapes which will serve as an example in various settlement fields of the town by increasing its potential concerning qualified transformation of entire the town and to form the spatial networks which will bring these fields together through different means.

Design Practices and Products

In line with the determined strategies, upon the consensus of the studio environment, it was aimed to create an urban life environment in which the Aktepe Squatter Settlement and the city of Ankara accept and tolerate each other, respect each other’s living values and abstain from excluding each other. 
All urban public space and facilities required by parts of the town should be design tools. Set tools take the image of the hill on which design field is located into consideration, rebuild the identity of the design field and should be used to develop a sustainability in Ankara's urban archiscape.
In line with the objective and targets, various design practices were performed. 
Archi-Scapes studio used any type of thinking, designing and environmental expression and tools in its design practice and experiments. 
Design practices and experiments in the studio were developed in general by using analog and digital environments together; however the studio can’t be defined as a paperless design studio, visual studio or digital studio. The conductors define this studio methodology as a hybrid design studio.
Different design practices were performed in the studio process. These are the practices performed with conventional tools, with digital tools, with physical modellings, with artistic methods.
The practices performed with conventional tools are generally the sketches produced with paper and pencil. The practices performed with physical modellings are study models. The practices performed with artistic methods are practices such as settlement, performance, animation and movie. Artistic methods made the studio 4 dimensional, kept interest and excitement high.

Metin Kutusu: Figure3. Urban Archi-scapes Studio Process

The products obtained in all these practices were transmitted into digital environment by photographing, scanning and the making of video records. They were used to carry out design experiments by processing with various digital software. 
A new squatter settlement was designed by transforming the studio environment with the materials in the studio every morning and were applied and experimented with by working on it.
The expressions by making and remaking of the model, the expressions by drawing and deleting on the board, body language used during discussions are evaluated as performances. The products obtained in all these practices were transmitted into a digital environment by photographing, scanning and making video records. They were used to produce sketches for various expressions by processing with various software. The process of design practices can be described as incubation time in the context of creativity. When practices reach a certain satisfaction and maturity, suddenly a design concept is reached. This concept is Snake.

Metin Kutusu: Figure 4. Modeling of the Snake    

Developing Design and Presentations

The subsequent phase is to determine, deepen, detail and present design contents of the snake, in other words to realize the design.  It was progressed by discussing the natural properties of the snake and the urban landscape it belongs to.  

Formal properties:
It is nearly a circular form but doesn’t have a proper geometry; it changes slightly by associating specific form and movement of the snake along the line it proceeds.

Metin Kutusu: Figure 5 Formal Properties Of The Snake
The snake naturally has the ability to change skin. It sheds its skin at certain intervals and develops new skin. The pattern of the skin was derived from the pattern and  texture of the existing settlement. Thus, a bio-physical skin which is a live organism was obtained. At the same time, the change and developments in urban landscape and on snake interact with each other. The snake produces new parts from its own body in order to maintain its formal and functional transformation by throwing its old, worthless and bad parts.

Metin Kutusu: Figure 6  The Skin Of The Snake
Tortuous road:
Moving from the starting point towards the summit of the hill, the Snake is able to find its own path by itself. At the same time, depending on general urban stimulants, it is also able to maintain building itself.

Metin Kutusu: Figure 7 TheTortuous Road Of The Snake

Any type of facility to serve the whole town was used in programming the snake. Size, scale and intensities were decided depending on this.

Metin Kutusu: Figure 8 The Transforma tion Of The Snake

With its high design quality, the Snake was thought to form attraction power for the use of crowds from the entire town.

Design details:
Reception facilities, Summit facilities, Intermediate facilities, Carrier system and related facilities


Metin Kutusu: Figure 9 The Programme Of The Snake
The presentations made with conventional tools in studio process, oral presentation and exhibition, presentations made with digital tools, presentations made with physical modellings, presentations made with artistic methods such as settlement and performance took place. In the final, all products were presented by making a film format. [ix]

Metin Kutusu: Figure 10 The Presentation Of The Snake  
Discussing Obtained Experience

When the design process of Urban Archi-Scapes and product developed during the process is evaluated, it is seen that a specific and qualified experience was obtained for many reasons. It is the only studio example executed with a different/alternative approach among the other studios. This difference was clarified during the presentations made by studios at the end of the 2-week study.
Studio participants both achieved an improved awareness of their own design process and obtained architectural products with high level of creativity by inquiring and discussing in an unbiased and multi-voiced environment. Consensus was reached over design during the design process; it was developed by making use of any type of tool and method so as to express a thought in the most effective manner. This consensus and harmony among studio conductors, assistants and students seems to make the process quite efficient and creative. The product obtained in the end is specific for it includes different knowledge and experience elements. The studio conductors concentrated on hidden/invisible fiction of the design process and how this fiction could be managed skillfully rather than focusing on the design of the product during this intense program of study. The unforseen product, Snake was obtained with a dynamic method, without directing to a determined design target, by following a layered process rather than a linear process.
It was seen that the concrete data of this product and presentations were discussed, which was thought not to overlap with daily life practices. It is seen that refined knowledge was produced with respect to the sharing of experience obtained in the process with Urban Archi-scape, town and town-dweller. Thus, the studio experience was not limited to disciplinary extensions and developed extensions regarding architecture practice. Therefore, experiences concerning the theory and practice of architecture were obtained.
These experiences are generally on the perimeter of the city of Ankara and relate to the relationship between the city and its outskirts, particularly the Aktepe Squatter Settlement. Strategies alternative to conventional urban transformation approaches were developed. It might constitute inspiration for the studies to be performed in the same settlement or settlements with similar status.
One of the fundamental reasons for failure of urban transformation processes of the Aktepe Squatter Settlement is considered to be ignoring local properties and values. On the other hand, landscape becomes a means for glorifying local attractions and collective sense of place and creating a sense of being permanent and rooted and thus resisting speed rate of contemporary life.
The Snake updates the Aktepe Squatter Settlement in terms of re-capturing physical, social, economic, vital and cultural specifities of place, adding new utilization and activities by means of a social program and facilities and ecologic diversity and achievement. Forward-looking providence of the Snake is the recognition of freedom to transform their own living spaces for local residents.   In a few decades, local landscape will internalize and embrace the snake which is considered to be strange for now. 


We thank the students from the WS-RADS 2010 intensive program for accepting the challenge of this Urban Archi-Scapes experimental studio. We thank Ezgi Başar for the video-recording, Nur Durmaz for augmenting the studio with her dijital design skills and Elif Zilan for her inspiring performance ideas.

[i] Gazi University, Faculty of Architecture, Department of Architecture, Scientific Research Project, 06/2003 titled “A Research concerning Updating in Design Studio in Architecture Training" carried out by Atelier 1 conductor of which was Prof. Dr. Nur Caglar.
[ii] Dr. Adnan AKSU and Prof. Dr. Nur ÇAĞLAR (Gazi University Faculty of Architecture Dept. of Architecture TURKEY )
[iii] Anne Brudelmeyer (FH Bochum University of Applied Sciences Dept. of Architecture-GERMANY), Diana Cunha (Lusofona University of Humanity and Technology Dept. of Architecture Urbanism Geography and Arts-PORTUGAL), Jonathan Hanny (University of Innsbruck  Faculty of Architecture, Institute of Design-AUSTRIA), Arno Hofer (University of Innsbruck  Faculty of Architecture, Institute of Design-AUSTRIA), Hanna Kastell(The SRH University of Applied Sciences Heidelberg  School of Engineering and Architecture GERMANY ), Karolina Kodrzycka (West Pomerian University of Technology Szczecin Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture-POLAND), Pieter Lambrechts (Higher Institute of Architectural Sciences Henry van de Velde-BELGIUM ), Tomasz Ryba (West Pomerian University of Technology Szczecin Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture-POLAND), Pia Sadner (University of Innsbruck  Faculty of Architecture, Institute of Design-AUSTRIA)
[iv] Nur Durmaz (METU Faculty of Architecture Dept. of Architecture-TURKEY ), Ezgi Başar (Gazi University Faculty of Architecture Dept. of Architecture-TURKEY ), İrem Küçük (Gazi University Faculty of Architecture Dept. of Architecture-TURKEY ), Elif Zilan (Universidad de Alcala Henares-SPAIN)
[v] Maintaining architecture practice in their special office ... the architects coming to their department part-time support winter school in this way.
[vi] Therefore, they are post graduate students according to 3+2 structure of European Architecture Schools.
[vii] Gazi University, Faculty of Architecture, Department of Architecture, Scientific Research Project, 06/2003 titled “A Research concerning Updating in Design Studio in Architecture Training" carried out by Atelier 1 conductor of which was Prof. Dr. Nur Caglar.
[viii] Eco,U. 1989.  “Open Work”, Harvard University Press
[ix] All the figures included in this presentation were taken from the movie presentation prepared for the final. Therefore, it was paid attention to making it in the view of filmstrips.


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